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19 July 2022
3 minutes to readResearchers from the Renewable Energy group are developing novel materials for windows which allow light through whilst protecting it against the heat from the sun.
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10 June 2018
< 1 minute to readEstate management enterprise St Aubyn Estates developed clearly defined corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability policies by working with the University of Exeter’s Environment and Sustainability Institute (ESI). These policies enabled St Aubyn Estates to demonstrate their green credentials to partners and customers, as well as keep better track of its energy…
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14 March 2018
3 minutes to readDr Ceri Lewis is a lecturer in Marine Biology for the College of Life and Environmental Science. She spoke to Lara Cronin about her research into Ocean Acidification, the importance of educational outreach and why she loves the polar regions. Can you tell me about what inspired your interest in Marine Biology? I think I probably…
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26 October 2016
< 1 minute to readThis new approach to sustainable fishing ensures fish and other seafood are being sustainably caught with minimal damage to the marine environment. University of Exeter academics and students have been working with a new community interest company to develop an alternative approach to supplying sustainable fish. Sole of Discretion works with fishers who…
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30 June 2016
3 minutes to readProfessor Joah Madden studies pheasants. This is a bird frequently seen in the British countryside. How many of us have driven down a country lane for what feels like miles, with a pheasant zig-zagging a few feet in front of the car’s wheels? The pheasant veers towards the verge, but at the last…
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14 April 2016
< 1 minute to readVast amounts of plastic waste are thrown into the oceans every year, what would it mean if this plastic could, and was entering the food chain? Professor Tamara Galloway in the College of Life and Environmental Sciences, whose research focuses on marine pollution, has been exploring this question through her Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) funded…
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4 November 2015
< 1 minute to readThe presence of bees and other insects is vital to the pollination of crops and the maintenance of our ecosystem. Professor Juliet Osborne, Chair of Applied Ecology in the Environment and Sustainability Institute (ESI), looks at how insects and plants interact within the environment and their role in the provision of ecosystem services. The…
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23 September 2015
< 1 minute to readWhen it comes to plastic waste in the ocean, how much is too much? Professor Tamara Galloway has been researching the effects of microplastics on marine wildlife and how ingestion of these objects by some of the smallest creatures in the ocean can have implications for the rest of the food chain. Professor Galloway,…
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6 May 2015
< 1 minute to readUnderstanding how a potentially fatal parasite, lungworm, is spread to household pets could be improved thanks to a recent study from the University of Exeter’s Dr David Hodgson, Associate Professor of Ecology. The survey revealed the movements of snails, which carry lungworm, across British gardens, demonstrating the growing threat of the parasite…
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15 December 2014
3 minutes to readResearch conducted at the University of Exeter has altered the framework for climate change discussion, informed government debate and influenced policy.
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25 June 2014
2 minutes to readMicroplastic debris floating in the world’s oceans could be having a massive impact on marine life. Tiny bits of plastic rubbish are having an impact on lugworms, and other marine animals, which are an important source of food for other animals. Work by Stephanie Wright a postgraduate researcher from Biosciences found that…
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28 January 2014
3 minutes to readDid you know the inside of a flamingo’s egg is pink? And so is the milk parents feed their chicks. The colouring is caused by the carotenoid in the flamingos’ food. But doesn’t just affect the pigment of their feathers it affects all aspects of their colouring and also has a huge…
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