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Smartline: Smart wellbeing inspired by the community with Coastline Housing

22 March 2018

< 1 minute to read

Smartline: Smart wellbeing inspired by the community with Coastline Housing

Air quality, moisture and heating efficiency are all common housing problems faced by British communities. As part of the Smartline project, registered social landlord Coastline Housing is working with the University of Exeter to improve its service, and help customers live healthier and happier lives.

Coastline Housing manage more than 4,300 houses in Cornwall, which carry a high demand for maintenance and management. Working with 350 customers through the Smartline project, Coastline is able to collect and share data with project partners to better understand how properties are used, and how their use could be improved.

This information allows Coastline staff to understand whether properties are performing as expected, and to respond to maintenance issues more quickly. The Smartline project also enables communities to become more resilient to issues including damp, mould and fuel poverty, by allowing customers more insight into their properties and their own wellbeing.

Cornish businesses will also benefit from Smartline. The data collected through the project is being made available to help develop new apps and technologies.


“In a perfect world we’d work with the University on a day-to-day basis. I’d really encourage that – if we could have projects every day that would be great.”

Mark England, Head of Technical Services, Coastline Housing




Coastline Housing
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