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Revolutionising the All Terrain Mobility Platform with SC Group

22 March 2018

2 minutes to read

Revolutionising the All Terrain Mobility Platform with SC Group

How do you update a tough, all-terrain amphibious vehicle which has been used for military and domestic applications around the world? SC Group, developers of the All-Terrain Mobility Platform (ATMP), wanted to upgrade the vehicle to utilise the latest hybrid and electric technology.

Following a series of group design projects with University of Exeter Engineering students, SC Group embarked on a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP).

Knowledge Transfer Partnership

Through the KTP SC Group staff are working with Professor Chris Smith and Matt Harvey, a recent graduate employed to work jointly in the business and University.

The project applies Chris’ academic expertise to a business setting, enabling Matt to learn in a business environment whilst using the latest research. The team are re-imagining a new hybrid version of one of SC Group’s original products.

By simplifying and updating the vehicle, the team hope to significantly increase its efficiency and range, as well as reinvigorating and opening up new markets for the company.

Austen, Director of Engineering and Chief Engineer, SC Group, said: “The project should open up new markets to us, but also reinvigorate the market of people looking for that kind of vehicle with increased capability and range. It should produce additional revenue for the company over the next few years.”

About Knowledge Transfer Partnerships

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) aim to help businesses improve their competitiveness and productivity through the better use of knowledge, technology and skills within the UK knowledge base. This KTP project was co-funded by UKRI through Innovate UK and SC Group.


Professor Chris Smith


Supacat Group
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