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Increase business growth with the Help to Grow: Management course

18 November 2022

< 1 minute to read

Increase business growth with the Help to Grow: Management course

So many of us come up with new personal goals for a New Year, and as 2023 approaches why don’t you take advantage of the Help to Grow: Management programme to come up with new ideas and goals to take your business to the next level.

It you are a UK based SME with 5+ members of staff and have been operating for more than a year, your company should be eligible to enrol on the Help to Grow: Management programme at the University of Exeter’s Business School.

The next cohort begins in mid-January, followed by another in April 2023. The programme will provide you with 12 weeks of learning – online and face to face, a bespoke business growth plan, and 1:1 mentoring support from an experienced business mentor.  Aimed at senior leaders, the course covers strategies for growth and innovation, leading high performance teams and digital adoption, as well as financial management and responsible business practices.  You will hear from inspirational business leaders and learn alongside local peers.

By the end of the course, you will have the ability to improve your business’s resilience, and thus give you and your business the competitive edge. You will also form useful links with other SME’s in the South West.  As this 12 week course is 90% funded by the government, it will only cost your business £750.

For more information please contact:

More information can be found at Help to Grow | Business School | University of Exeter or contact Aly Rickard, To register directly visit Exeter SW Cohort 2 – Small Business Charter

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